Saturday, February 25, 2012

Title: Smelly Feet

smelly feet
I can smell them from here
smelly feet

smelling up here
smelling up there
smelling up everywhere

my feet are smelly
just like like mustard gas
they make all the people go away

smelly feet
my feet are so smelly
GOD they stink

I took a shower earlier today
for an hour they smelled ok

then I put on my slippers
my slippers of doom
then I walked out of my room

soon the smell returned
the smelly smell that smells like terrible feet!

I think of my feet and want to run home
then I think of this poem:

roses are red
after smelling my feet your face will be blue
I'm stuck with these feet
pea ew

Title: Is It Possible To Like Cords and Not Be Hipster?

The day was cloudy

I sat in the local café

Gently sipping on espresso and emotion

When suddenly, I heard a ruffle,

A delicate scratch and shuffle,

Like angel wings in a duffle


I look and stare with wonder

Have my eyes found life apart?

Am I what I once was

Or have I lost my way?

He was wearing cords

My amazement spanned the universe

That he, of Nike and Hollister,

Of FOX news and football,

Of loose tee-shirts and monogamy,

Of Wal-mart and snuggie,

Could possess pants of strands

What will I do

Without my identity?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Title: Prisoner in a Bowl

I shine in the light.
I entertain myself.
I have nothing to do.
I swim.

I breathe.
I matter.

Don't I?

Darkness descends at the flick of a switch.
artificial night.

another day.
nothing to do.
I swim.



and then...

I was Hagrid.
My gills taste oxygen no more.

Title: A New Book Defiled

I got a new book in the mail today
I tore open the packaging
and pulled out the book
I began to read
I cracked the spine
I turned the page
and heard it tear
I set the book down
and it was covered in smudges
nothing gold can stay

Monday, February 13, 2012

Title: A Coffee Shop Confession

I'm an artist,
and I live in this coffee shop

Did you hear about my novel?
Did you hear about my screenplay?
Or my skinny, skinny, skinny pants

One third of what I wear is knitted




And half of that is fair trade
or African

If you didn't notice my

Notice Them

If you didn't notice my

Notice Them

or my glasses
or my corduroys

I wasn't alive in the eighties
But my tee-shits were.

Title: A "Light" Breakfast

A candle in the darkness
Shines a light
A curtain in the wind
To what I cannot see
Flutters playfully
The candle
The hope
It's out
